The 4 Secrets to Create Digital Products Fast

How to Create Digital Products Fast!

The best digital product strategy is to produce and publish continuously. Try to flood the market with digital products that solve your target audience's problems and show off your expertise. With several products on the market, you have more opportunities to be seen by the people who could use your help and become your customers.

That all sound great, but there's one big challenge.

Who has the time to keep pumping out high-value information products? The challenge here is two-fold: you need high quantity AND high quality.

Here are four keys to creating information products quickly and in high volume without skimping on quality. 

1.  Create and Implement a System for Createing Digital Products

Create a streamlined system for information product creation. With a solid system in place, you can then simply plug in your ideas, gather and create your content, and then publish your latest product so that it's ready to buy.

This requires a bit of planning. You need to research and identify a target market profile so you know exactly for whom you're writing. You need to gather the resources and tools you need so that they're at-hand when you need them. Use outlines, checklists, and templates for making the actual content creation smooth and easy.

Finally, tweak your system as you go along and discover areas where you can further streamline.

2.  Keep Digital Product Ideas Coming Down the Pipeline

One of the challenges businesses face with creating digital products is coming up with ideas. To speed up the process, create an idea pipeline. Become an obsessive collector of ideas and compiler of lists. Listen to feedback from your market and the latest news in your industry for new ideas.

Once you have a list of ideas, prioritize. Start with the top item and keep adding as new ideas emerge. If you manage this list well, each time you sit down to work on a new product, you'll already have a good start.  

3.  Leverage Your Intellectual Assets

Your "intellectual assets" are the things you know that your audience doesn't. What can you teach others? These are the type of things that people constantly ask you about, and these are the areas where you have knowledge, experience, and skills.

You probably already have a good idea of what these natural strengths are, but by identifying and clarifying them, you can create products that really play to your strengths and offer a unique solution to your audience.

4.  Leverage Your Content Assets

A great way to speed up the product creation process is to leverage the content you create or already have. You can take old content and repurpose or update it to create new value for your market. You can also create new content with repurposing in mind, cutting down on labor. Turn videos into blog posts, audio files into slideshows, long articles into infographics, and so on.

Fast digital product creation offers a number of advantages. The key is to make sure that each product you put out there offers some unique value to your market. Speeding up the process ensures that you can meet your audience's needs without cutting corners on quality.


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