Create Digital Products: 3 Mistakes to Avoid

Creating and publishing digital products is a great way to earn profits, establish yourself as an expert in your niche, and build a relationship with your audience. It's very easy to do - all you need is a streamlined system for producing high-quality digital products efficiently and quickly.

Although it's straightforward, there are a few common mistakes that many business owners make. 

Mistake 1 – Lack of Focus

Many businesses make the huge mistake of trying to do it all in one digital product. They try to create the Bible of their niche, but often end up with a product that's unfocused and difficult to digest, if they ever finish it at all.

Solution: Take just one problem or question your audience has and solve it in the quickest, easiest way possible. This is called a minimum viable product (MVP). It is the smallest product possible that still offers true value for the buyer. It's tightly focused and at the end, the customer has learned something they can use.

Mistake 2 – Getting Lost in the Solution

The devil is in the details. There are many ways to solve any particular problem. There's no way you could possibly cover everything, and even if you could, your reader might end up confused about which path to take. 

Solution: Figure out one way to solve the problem that's faster, cheaper, and/or easier, and lay this out step by step for your audience. Tell them, "In this report, this is how we're going to do this one method for solving the problem."


Mistake 3 – Launch and Forget It

Creating digital products isn't rocket science, but your launch is kind of like a rocket launch. Once it shoots up in the air, that’s only the beginning of its journey.

You don't create a product, launch it, and then wait for the money to roll in. While you can achieve multiple forms of residual income that pay you while you sleep, there is still work to be done post-launch.

Solution: As part of your streamlined digital product creation system, plan post-launch work that includes stellar customer service, following up with your customers for feedback to inform future products, and keeping in touch with them in order to nurture the relationship.

P.S. Looking for a platform to sell your digital product? Check out Podia

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